About Us
Our Vision: To build a safer, stronger and more resilient community.

our mission:
The Administration of Resources and Choices (ARC) mission is twofold: (1) to serve the critical needs of elderly victims suffering emotional, financial or physical abuse that are in urgent need of care; and (2) to provide resources for home buyers and distressed homeowners that empower self-determination and preserve human dignity.

Since 1988, ARC has provided a range of services that address the civil rights and social justice needs of elderly victims suffering emotional, financial, or physical abuse who are in urgent need of shelter and medical care in Tucson, Arizona. Professional case management and referral services are provided through our Elder Shelter Project and individuals requiring immediate assistance can call ARC’s Crisis Hotline at (520) 339-2801 in Pima County.
After the stock market crash of 2008, ARC expanded its mission to begin serving people facing dire economic hardship and foreclosure. With federal funding secured through the Arizona Department of Housing, ARC added an array of foreclosure prevention and reverse mortgage services. By 2010, ARC added satellite offices in Phoenix to expand its counseling services to Maricopa County and is now a nationally recognized HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency with nationwide partnerships.
Still headquartered in Tucson, ARC proudly continues as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides housing counseling across the U.S. as well as maintaining its strong commitment to provide information, resources and choices to Southern Arizona’s elders through grant-funded programs.

President: Sally J. Simpson
Vice President: Susan Johnson, Esq.
Treasurer: Howard Paley
John Jay Brosky
Maricela Solis de Kester
Joseph H. Tajec
Executive Director: Debbie Chandler
Elder Services Director: Deena Hitzke, Ed. D.